Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Rodiah B'day

Stop Motion buat Rodiah

Happy B'day Rodiah
Hopefully Stop Motion I and my friends made​​, it could be a beautiful gift from us.. ya rodiah :)
and I hope you like the Stop Motion from Us.

Hopefully, at the age of 19 years, has always been a good girl, diligent, clever, pretty, mature, always arabic, can be funny and not crisp.  *kriuk kriuk hahaha : D

I made this for 3 days, so if there are'nt good and the pictures step by step less .. forgive me ya :) Feedback is still an amateur.

karena terlalu banyak, susah d uploadnya.. jadi satu-satu dulu aja ya :)

Video pertama... cekidot!!

ini video Stop Motion yang kedua :)

dibuat dengan -+ 800 foto, dan ini sebagian dari foto Stop Motionnya :)

hayoo.. dtunggu commentnya ya :)

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